
My family was blessed to have the assistance of Natalie for the first two months after delivery. Although not a lactation consultant, she had helpful insights and tips on breastfeeding. She also talked me through various concerns ranging from baby acne, sleep deprivation and being comfortable in my postpartum body. It was also a relief that she could look after our son for a few hours while I caught up on some sleep. She is simply amazing!
Adebola, from Hamilton

Every home should have a Natalie! Reflecting with gratitude on our amazing doula who comes to our house three times a week. Officially she comes to take care of the baby, but as you can see by this photo she also just folds into our family. My favourite thing she does is make me drink my lactation tea and make me nap. I get this feeling of calm and relief when she is around and that is worth EVERYTHING! (Click here for the full testimonial)
Erica, from Waterloo

Our struggles before working with Natalie were the fact that we had a 3-year old too and he needed a lot of attention. My husband was working. I was still healing and not feeling right. We needed a better balance, plus more sleep. Natalie gave us the much needed sleep we needed, plus we had a better balance in our lives. It was good for everyone! Working with a doula helped us tremendously; more than we ever imagined. It created less chaos and stress in our home life and marriage. Plus my son loved Natalie so that was comforting when she had him for the night. Money well spent!
Nicole, from Guelph

The twins were up frequently at night. I wasn’t getting enough sleep to be at my best during the day. It requires two people to feed the twins. Natalie helped watch and care for my twins at night between feedings so that I could get some proper sleep. She also helped with the tasks around the house pertaining to the twins like washing bottles, laundry and other light duties that made it much easier much easier on me during the daytime when I am by myself with my twins. She also gave great life experiences with raising her children and some of the other work she has done. We were able to get over the difficult hump of feeding the twins on demand every 4 hours and get to a place where we are confident enough to get through the nights on our own now.
Alannah, from Waterloo

We had twin boys and before working with Natalie, both my husband and I would each be up several times a night with them, leading to little sleep. Natalie was fantastic to work with! She was knowledgeable about everything from breastfeeding to pumping to infant sleep and other baby related topics. She was always on time, arriving with a smile on her face. We felt very comfortable with her in our house taking care of the boys and trusted her. She was easy to work with, flexible and accommodating. On the nights that Natalie came, my husband got a full night’s sleep and I was able to only get up once or twice a night to breastfeed, sleeping much more soundly in between those times. We were always better rested and happier!
Mandi, from Hamilton

I didn’t really have any struggles working with a doula because as a first time mom I didn’t know what I was doing so all the help from you was amazing! Having you through the night was the best experience and gift.
Sarah, from Guelph

Natalie has shown immense promise and confidence in her abilities to passionately support clients in her community. She is a member in good standing and her gentle confidence and nurturing spirit are a tremendous addition to our Canadian postpartum support community.
Shaunacy, from Doula Canada